Bees are doing very well. Wintered nicely in the warmer then usual temperatures. The bees were out about 100 to 200 yds flying around. I don't think many actually left further then that as we had bees all over the property. Not bothersome, but just hanging around. Sometime during the week I would feed a bottle of sugar water. Just did it for my entertainment I suppose. Massive amount of bees you could imagine.
January I was able to purchase my 2 VHS queens from California. Arrival on the 13th of April. 23 days to go. I am counting the days because I have rather aggressive bees. 1 hive is Africanized hybrids unfortunately. That's from the cut out I did. I purchased 3 frames of drone for queen breeding. Hoping to raise queens and sell them, so flooding the area with the VHS drones I would really like that. Calm the bees down in the area.
The bees are bringing in lots of pollen and nectar currently with all the wildflowers in bloom. We have a normal spring it appears. Bit dryer then usual and not raining inbetween dry spells frequently enough. Were having high winds as usual in spring time with 15 to 25MPH winds. I open and reduce the entrances when needed. We had a few nights of freezing weather over the weekend. Amazing the Texas weather we get. Just when you think Winter is over we get a cold front.