Monday, August 31, 2015

Owl house bees - photo's

Last night I did check on them as well as early before the sun got up.  They were bearding as it's no surprise.  After day light from the sun about 6:45AM rising I could take some pictures.  I can't stand out in front because the bees are doing an orienting flight.  Observing they're doing small circles about 10 to 15 foot diameter.  I was hit by a few bees in the hair when I opted to depart.    Some of the bees are still bearding, but not many.

Set out the ceramic dog bowl with wire mesh and a brick about 8 feet way and about 6" off the ground.  I hope they find it.  I also will try and set something on top of my other 2 bee hives if the Owl house bunch opt to go explore around them.
These are located in front of the other 2 bee hives
Set them on the front Shade Cloth post I didn't have time to worry about the plastic trash bags. 
Fallen Honey comb.  The bees have already eaten the honey out of it.

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