I got dressed for battle with my problem hive #2 11PM last night 10/14/2015. I pulled the honey Super off the top and
placed it on a screened bottom board that they could not get out. I
took the super down from below that had the brood chamber and shook all
10 frames of bees off into soapy water. I noticed 1 thing! It sure is a lot
easier at night doing work with the bees. I took the empty box and
shook it over the soapy water. Took all the frames and shook them 1
more time before placing them back in the bee hive box. Placed the
honey super on the brood chamber and strapped it down.
My theory going with tid bits taken from Michael Palmer a renowned bee keeper in the East USA is to
reduce the numbers and remove the queen will calm the hive down. I
suspect that in the brood chamber somewhere some eggs will exist to turn
into queens. Temperature has been 95 and 98 the past week, I believe
that that a queen cell will take life and winter infertile. I have no
idea if this works what I have done. Just a theory in play. Since most
of the brood chamber bees are gone, they'll need to focus on
re-queening. It's cooling down or at least that's the theory. We had
104 temps on Sunday where I live. Who knew we'd have summer still try
to stay? So, the problem bees hopefully they'll not be focused on
aggression or no longer alive. I of coarse speculate the queen is not
with this bee hive. Cooler temps mean the bees stay inside or less active.
If this bee hive makes it, then great I can re-queen next April.
If they do not make it, I have a mess to deal with. If they don't
calm down, then another shake in soapy water is what they get and the
hive is no longer. Sure this queen-less hive can act a fool, I am well
aware of this. I've been dealing with this far too long and it's nothing
new. We will see if this calms them down and refocuses the bee hive.
Of coarse I could pull a frame of eggs from bee hive 1 the
normal hive, but I rather just let the bees deal with it or if they
can't then that's okay too.
I'm not sorry for what transpired. As Michael Palmer says "MEAN BEES
SUCK" I shouldn't be chased by guard bees when I am50 yds away from the bee yard. I am not
dealing with a mean hive PERIOD!
I sure do envy y'all that have nice calm bees in all the YouTube
Video's. I believe I am going to get 4 queens in April from wildflower
meadows. I have been reading up on them. I like this selective
breeding they do with the queens. I've been told that Bee Weaver(BEE SUPPLIER IN TEXAS) has
been getting more aggressive over the years by a local bee keeper. I do
know what I am getting with wildflower if that is what I end up with. I
will keep y'all informed on my observation.
This AM the bee hive entrance activity of foraging bees is by far fairly low in comparison to previously and the bee hive #1 next to it. I hope I can walk out to the shop this AM and not get attacked as that happened yesterday afternoon about 4PM. Its ridiculous to have bees come and attack you 50yds away and you have not done anything other then open the shop door.
I hope that works for you.
ReplyDeleteThe aggression has stopped. I can actually walk outside with out any bees trying to chase me off. The bee hive seems to carry on with activity.
DeleteGood luck managing that hot hive. Makes me glad I'm far enough both that my problems are mostly limited to mites and over wintering.
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