If you took 20,000 bees and you know that bees die in approx 35 to 42 days, then you see that 476 571 bee deaths happen naturally. This of coarse isn't the ones that don't make it back due to being injured, killed, stinger death and other natural ways they die when away from the bee hive.
This doesn't alarm me as the social structure in bee hive 2 (suspected Africanized) is not in order due to the loss of the queen. I had to kill 50% of the bee hive this being the brood chamber. When safety is at the most concern the social structure isn't a concern to me and shouldn't be to anyone else. I shook the brood chamber frames into soapy water a little over a week ago. This was done thinking it would calm the bees down as they don't as many bees nor the pheromone of the queen that dictates the aggression level of the bee hive. Clearly the sensativity the queen had was over what I will tolerate.
I will not open this bee hive up and see what is going on. No need to as I predict a virgin queen will emerge the 30th or the 31st. Most certain that they will be okay as mother nature has a balance. If no queen exists, then the hive is doom to die out. All seems calm and normal now, so I am not worried. I went in to this with the mindset when I culled 50% of the bee hive that either they calm down or don't. If they don't the bee hive is no longer and I will take the rest the death. Either the bees survive or they do not.
Liberty Hill Texas USA
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