Thursday, October 1, 2015

Bee Hive Update Sept 1st

I wanted to open both hives and do a quick check.  I have bee hive 1 and 2.   Bee Hive2 is the one that I put the beetle trap in.   Bee Hive #2 a Ferrell Hive Rescue in May that I did.  They're a "HOT" hive.  Doesn't matter what you do they come out atcha if you so much as touch the hive and create vibration.  I just wanted to see how the frame I put in 2 weeks ago was doing.  They started building comb on the outside edge in 2 places, so I removed the comb.  It was only about an inch in diameter for both starting points.   
           They have honey comb in all the other frames from what I could see or they're starting.  Too many bees to really know what is deeper then the top and I am not about to tear into this bee hive as they're temperament is "HOT".  Something about this is probably due to small hive beetles.  Previously to this the bees were not "HOT"
          Thinking back on the way I rescued them they are certainly displaying the same behavior response.    I am pretty sure they have a queen that I like.  Great numbers of bees and they're healthy from what I can see. Very active hive.  They're bringing in Pollen that is a dark orange.  I suspect its those really small flowers or possible the shrub scrub brush that is in bloom.  What's really amazing is in our area we've only gotten about a 1/4" of rainfall since the end of June.  Some of the Buffalo Grass (Native) is going to seed stock and wild flowers are in bloom like these purple flowers.

With no rainfall and the ground that appears to be bone dry logic would have it that nothing would grow.  We do have dew in the AM, so I suspect that these plants germinate with any rainfall then use the dew as water to survive.  Mother nature is amazing when you  think about this kind of stuff.  

          I opened up the bee hive and took the honey box off.  Still they refuse to build brood comb.  Just an odd thing.  The queen in the spring will likely go into a Nuc Box for a 3rd bee hive.  I don't like her as she's a bit in my opinion lazy.  Why not draw comb in the brood chamber is beyond me.  I know it's been summer time, but come on they did draw honey comb on all 9 frames this summer.  I was feeding them sugar water and flour in the dearth when everything was baked, so no excuse.  Yes, it's drought I know, but previously you'd think that she'd have them draw comb for brood.  It took them about 6 weeks just to draw 4 frames of honey in the honey box.  This one has medium frames.  Bee Hive 2 has Super for honey box.    So I put a 10th frame in the honey box as they were bridged from the wall gap to the next frame getting ready to build comb from the wall down.  Great timing ehe?  I just wished I had better climate then we do.    

Closing this bee hive up was easy, the temprament is half that of the other bee hive.  Since I don't really take the honey box off and did this time it's a lucky thing I did that cause the queen still is not that good in my thoughts.  

In comparison I don't know what to really do.  Previously I was dead set on requeening next year with bee hive 2.  I probably ought to not requeen with bee hive 2 as they're more "HOT".  I don't want neighbors complaining.  Oh just a quick note:  Being sarcastic: "I sure do look forward to cleaning that hive beetle trap next week".  The one that is "HOT"  

I'll start treating with sugar dusting when the temps are in the mid 80's.  We've been running about 91 to 96 for the past 3 weeks.  A few days we did get mid 80's to upper 80s.  I thought I could take the sun sail shade off, but it's not cooled down in to the 80's permanently.  This week the forcast is mid 80's in a few days and should remain, so if it stays then I can take it off.  The sun shade cloth

The way I have it does provide partial shade.  Enough that the bees do fan, but they honey doesn't melt.  Oh I did open up the entrance reducer on bee hive 1 today.  I noted the other PM that they were fanning.   They were not bearding though.    I put an entrance reducer on because the wind out here is too much in my thoughts.   I have a screened bottom board with the plastic sheet in place on the bottom.  You might want to understand why I have the bee stand the way it is.  It's because I want 4 bee hives eventually.    Anyhow........  That's it for now.

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