Monday, September 28, 2015

Video: Beetle Trap for Bee Hive Arrived and Review

Ordered this I believe Monday last week.  Arrived Monday today.  Shipping was $15.45 for 2 of these I think.  I was going out of town, so building this wasn't really in the cards.   Company I used was Dadant.  I do not recommend buying these.  These are apparently called "West Beetle Traps"  The plastic design I don't have a problem with.  Great quality injected molded ABS Plastic or Polyethlyne.  This came with NO instuctions and No Screws.  Did not say this when I purchased it.

I had to call Dadant twice to get them to email me instructions.  Yes, simple logical and I could figure it out, but I have never done an installation of these and because of poor fit I wasn't sure.  This certainly has room for truck loads of improvements.  Will I buy another one.  UH NO.  not only no but, "HELL NO".

This is suppose to slide in with an active bee hive entrance.  This means that bees get pushed to the back and can get killed.  I am suppose to clean this out every 1 to 2 weeks.  So you do the math on this and can see that continually killing bees for 40 weeks is going to be rather stupid.

For now I will use it as I don't want to go spend more money at this time.  $46.00 is enough.  If you want something done right build it yourself and this rings so true.  I feel as though someone knew this didn't work fully, but it's functional and said "Ah the hell with it I am sick of dealing with it lets just put it on the mkt and be done with it and don't worry about it"  So the customer gets screwed.

What am I complaining about?  I didn't get instructions, no screws and a gap on the sides meaning that I have to build a shim for this, so the bees and beetles don't get below the beetle trap.  I have a spare bottom board I am using.  I will unscrew the bee hive Super and the bottom board on the existing and move the bee hive on to the "West Beetle Trap" with the bottom board modified.

Hindsite: Go buy $25 of #8 hardware cloth (Metal mesh) build a 4 sided box.  1 side that slides out, so the tray can be removed and be done with it.  My business is a plastics company, so making stuff like this isn't hard, but it's time.  My laziness has now come back to bite me in the butt.

I will post a video later.

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