Monday, September 21, 2015

OUCH! I got attacked by my bee hive today

The title says just what happened.  I was putting in a trial frame with something I am attempting to do with the bees.  I just thought I would unstrap the bee hive, pull a frame out that didn't have comb on it and put in the test frame and close up the bee hive.

I get suited up in the cheap bee suit.  I mean why am I needing to spend the time getting ready to do battle with my bees.  Shouldn't have to cause all I am doing is something as quick as 10 seconds.  I was wearing shorts too.  The problem with putting on the full suit is that it takes about 3 minutes to put it on and 3 minutes to take it off.  Thats the beauty of the cheap Chinese bee suit is it's a shirt more or less that you put on and it's got the vail with the wide brim on it that isn't removable.  So I just put it on like a shirt, walked out to the bee yard and put my gloves on.  I took the ratchet strap off.  I popped the lid off, full of bees on the top board.  Bees start flying.  Well I startled them is what I am thinking.  I pull the inner cover off and immediately about 50 bees take flight and they're letting me know they are not happy.

2 things I can do, is to run away or just deal with it.  I was like it's quick.  I forgot my hive tool dang it.  SO I get my fat fingers with leather gloves on the frame trying to pull it up out of the hive body and it's not coming.  More bees are coming out.  Zap on the leg!  Stung dang it.  Okay this isn't going as planned.  I don't know what in the world is going on today with them, but clearly they're not happy.

I go trucking off to the oak trees and I got bees all over me.  in an out weaving in  amongst the trees and I am panicked a bit.  I still hear them buzzing.  In and out and unfortunately I didn't see that 3 inch oak tree branch and I mean I smacked my foreghead.  Blood is dripping.  Okay forget the bees I am now worse then being stung more.  I just go in the house close the door.  1 bee is at the inside screen.  Open it up and it flys off.  I get a paper towel and hold it.  Call for Elisa.  I am in the bathroom all worked up.  I tell her my story and she just says "well that's why you have the bee suit you paid for"  I explain that this isn't a normal situation that it calls for.  They came out at me.  It should be 10 second job.  open it up, pull a frame and replace it close it up and I am done.  Washed off the forhead.  Put some ointment on it and a large bandage.

I go get suited up, get the smoker out.  Light the smoker and I mean I got that smoker just puffing.  I have had situations where you think it's lit and it's not.  Sometimes it's weak smoke.  SO I SMOKED Them and the other bee hive cause I didn't want anything more then I was dealing with.  Got it done and when I pulled the frame a hive beetle was on it.  Damn it!  Damn beetles is why the hive is so quick to come at me.  I put the new frame in and close it up and I am done.

Tonight I just bought 2 bottom boards that are for beetle traps.  I weighted the cost and I really don't want to fool with it.  About the time I get this thing built and spend the money it's just not worth my time.  SO for about $47 bucks 2 bottom boards are bought with shipping cost. 

Done and Done.


  1. I haven't had my bees mob Mrlike that (yet) but I did once piss of a nest of yellow jackets so I know that run for your life and devil take the hindmost feeling. Time to wreak some serious vengeance on the beetles that started it all.

  2. I got the beetle trap installed today. Put it on another bottom board I had.
